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Pete Roberts
Oct 19, 20213 min read
High Vac Rates, good TTP, high mask use so why such high infection rates? unpicking some data
It's an interesting question and one without an easy answer but if you look at the heatmap from @PTHBhealth you can start to get an idea...
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Pete Roberts
Oct 13, 20213 min read
Covid-19 in Powys: its not all over
You could be forgiven looking at the media for thinking Covid is a thing of the past, no mention is made of the 35-40k cases each day nor...
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Pete Roberts
Jul 5, 20214 min read
If not now then when?
The question that PM Johson put this afternoon in his usual bombastic way is not the right one to ask but deserves an answer. Firstly in...
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Pete Roberts
Jan 6, 20214 min read
Mid Powys Covid update : 6/1/21
The exact situation across Wales has been rather muddied by the Christmas period, Hence my silence however new data emerging has begun to...
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Pete Roberts
Dec 28, 20204 min read
Unravelling the Welsh Covid profile
If you look at data from the Kings/Zoe symptom tracker in the Spring and the Welsh and English lockdowns in the autumn there are clear...
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Pete Roberts
Dec 27, 20202 min read
Why Some Bubbles are More Equal than Others.
Since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic Governments have introduced measures to curtail social interaction then realising the potential...
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Pete Roberts
Dec 23, 20203 min read
Covid- 19: Powys Christmas and keeping safe 23/12 update
Everyone needs to take their own decisions about risk over the next three days and what they are going to do on Christmas Day. The...
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Pete Roberts
Dec 20, 20203 min read
Why we need to lockdown in Powys
This is unfair, we have done all the hard work, we haven't had a case here in weeks, it all down in South Wales. These are some of the...
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Pete Roberts
Dec 17, 20203 min read
The Two Faces of the Welsh Pandemic
Here in Wales we now appear to be dealing with not one but two different threads to our pandemic. If you look at todays stats the divide...
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Pete Roberts
Dec 15, 20202 min read
Christmas and Covid : Initial Personal Thoughts
I had planned to write this week about how we can keep Llandrindod Covid secure and enjoy as much as Christmas as we can. However there...
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